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About AEO

An AEO is standing for the “Authorized Economic Operator,” which means a company validated and authorized by the Korea Customs Service in accordance with authorizing criteria of Law Compliance, Internal Control System, Financial Solvency and Security


Korean Customs Service offers prompt customs clearance and exemption from customs inspection to certified companies. And blocking the products that may threaten safety and health for public.


he biggest interest for exporters is facilitated clearance. Private companies have difficulty controlling clearance, and they also have limits to addressing clearance issues without outside help because they lack understanding local regulations or systems, and Customs administrations or infrastructures are different from each country. However, there is a silver lining, the AEO program. As AEOs are companies which Customs services trust and international society recognizes, they can tackle trade barriers and enhance export competitiveness through the AEO program.


As AEOs are faithful companies which certified by the government, they can be guaranteed more facilitated and simplified trade processes at export and import. In addition, once Mutual Recognition Arrangements, MRAs, are concluded with other countries implementing AEO programs, AEOs will provided with diverse benefits in MRA counterpart countries, including reduced inspection rates and other benefits for facilitated clearance. As a result, AEOs can reduce lead times and various costs from international trade.